Saturday, October 30, 2010

Toner Bomb Joins The Circus

With Shoebomber and Crotchbomber and all the rest of the fake terror perpetrated by the very people pretending to keep us safe from a non existent Al Qaida and Osama, the dead CIA stooge.

added - UPS doesn't do business in Yemen.
Here's CBS lying to you.



Anonymous greencrow said...

Every time something like this goes brings us all back to the fundamental question and the "litmus test" of truth vs oppression--the events of 9/11.

So long as the well known and identified perps of 9/11 are roaming free we will have more (and worse) of these false flags.

We MUST arrest the perps and we MUST give justice to the victims of 9/11!


30/10/10 11:48 AM  
Anonymous greencrow said...

Every time something like this goes brings us all back to the fundamental question and the "litmus test" of truth vs oppression--the events of 9/11.

So long as the well known and identified perps of 9/11 are roaming free we will have more (and worse) of these false flags.

We MUST arrest the perps and we MUST give justice to the victims of 9/11!


30/10/10 11:48 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

You know gc, that's the way I filter people and events also.
9/11 was the foundation for all the lies and war and manipulation that ensued. No getting around the facts - you either fell for it or you saw through it. Seldom if ever was there such an imposing, sharp fence between the two camps. no one can sit on top of it.

31/10/10 5:16 AM  

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