Monday, August 30, 2010

How Bad Is It?

Public health care is dying.

Cash-Poor Governments Ditching Public Hospitals

"Faced with mounting debt and looming costs from the new federal health-care law, many local governments are leaving the hospital business, shedding public facilities that can be the caregiver of last resort."

Illiteracy is thriving.

7,000 US High School Students Drop Out Every Day

"An incomprehensible 42 million Americans cannot read, write or perform simple math. Another 50 million Americans cannot read past the 4th grade level. (Source: National Right to Read Foundation)

The Foundation reported, "According to current estimates, the number of functionally illiterate adults is increasing by approximately two and one quarter million persons each year. This number includes nearly 1 million young people who drop out of school before graduation, 400,000 legal immigrants, 100,000 refugees, and 800,000 illegal immigrants, and 20 percent of all high school graduates. Eighty-four percent of the 23,000 people who took an exam for entry-level jobs at New York Telephone in 1988, failed."

added - Homelessness Up 50% In New York City

Did you catch the above numbers? Fully 1/3 of all americans are functionally illiterate.
That we're on the fast track to third world purulence was really hammered home to me over the past decade. I've driven about fifty to sixty thousand miles all over the country during that time, and this nation is falling to pieces. From the bayou bridge system around New Orleans to the vast stretches of interstate highways to all the closed rest stops, america's artery systems are a battered joke. I'm very much surprised more bridges haven't collapsed in broken heaps like that one on I35 in Minneapolis two years ago. Most of this country's road systems will ruin your wheels and steering and break your axles now. I84 out of Boise was so bad in a truck I had to keep my mouth closed tight to avoid busting my teeth.

I drove to Florida a half year ago and found an entire stretch of Alabama around Montgomery and Birmingham that looked like the culmination of WW2. I've read Detroit is now a broken, rotting shell ready to be bulldozed. Katrina is still written large over a big part of New Orleans, easily seen from I10. Funny how all three places I just mentioned are predominently black.

Whitebread country has completely collapsed too. You probably can't get more white than Utah and when we drove down the west side of the state on back roads two years ago there was a hundred mile stretch of deserted housing. Mile after mile, tens of thousands of unsold or deserted homes with broken windows and collapsed porches in proposed bedroom communities for Salt Lake were being reclaimed by nature. About every other piece of property we drove by in southern Arizona was either abandoned or being sold. Most out of the way desert towns are emptying at record pace. One out of six citizens of hell hole america relies on poverty support.

Governments at every level have utterly failed. We're hip deep in the accelerating process of devolving into half sick, dimwitted and thuggishly tribal confusion, easily outfoxed by shiny technology and wandering through the poisonous muck of what used to be any kind of a future at all. It's a manufactured, slow motion collapse with the vultures ready to swoop in to buy it all up at bargain basement prices, with the train wreck poised to be given a shot of methamphetamine if one of those hurricanes drenches the southeast with BP toxins. Like fingernails that grow a while on a corpse, this society is lurching a few steps more even though it's already dead on it's feet. Meanwhile as the toothy chamber of commerce types and lying corporate media whores assure you of otherwise, get used to the stench.


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