Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Criminalization Of Homelessness Will Now Get Intense

Homeless families face strict new rules

"Less than two years after vowing to end homelessness in Massachusetts, the Patrick administration has proposed new regulations that it acknowledges could force hundreds of homeless families back on the street.
The regulations, scheduled to take effect April 1, would deny shelter to families who in the last three years had been evicted from or had abandoned public or subsidized housing without good cause, and to those who fail to meet a new 30-hour per week work requirement and save 30 percent of their income.
They also would reduce from six months to three months the period families can remain in shelters after their incomes rise above state limits; force out families absent from shelters for at least two consecutive nights as well as those who reject one offer of housing without good reason; and deny benefits for families whose members have outstanding default or arrest warrants as well as those whose only child is between ages 18 and 21, unless the child has a disability or is in high school."

Etc, etc.
At some point, everybody still with functioning brain cells will realize 1. all government ceased to be a responsible entity as a servant to the people and has become a tyrannical bureaucracy and 2. this societal Armageddon is a planned catastrophe to destroy what was once the United States in order to pave the way for a new world order.
Forcing people out of jobs, onto the street and hungry is one of the final steps to make them totally dependent on Big Brother apparatus. The agenda is total control, the diseased goal of all psychotic fascists from time immemorial.


Blogger Nina said...

many folks won't realize this (and will actually SUPPORT such actions) until it lands in their own lap. some days i don't know who i am more disgusted with--the gov't or the idiots who support the on-going agenda.

17/2/09 3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This reminds me of Bill Clinton ending welfare as we know it by throwing women of the rolls. With Democrats like him and Patrick, who needs Republicans?

17/2/09 6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welfare was never really an economic problem to begin with until the rabid right began associating too many people on welfare (mostly black and hispanic) with illegal drugs.

The simple fact is, all the money people collect from welfare goes right back into the economy, because all it does is pay for the basic necessities. People on welfare (and social security) are expected to be motivated to find regular work because they need more money to live than either welfare or social security provides.

The same can be said of any monetary charity from the state; it goes right back into the economy. So why is it such a problem helping the homeless, if all they really need is a govt stipend to pay for their right to basic shelter and food facilities?

I dunno exactly but, methinks the greedy govt beaurocrats and bankers are getting too cozy shopping for yaghts to worry about poor families starving and dying in rundown old factories in the middle of the winter.

Why do they take govt welfare benefits so personally, like its coming out of their paychecks?

18/2/09 9:28 AM  

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