Wednesday, July 18, 2007

MSM Is A Cesspool Of Liars

Bin Laden Appears in NEW al-Qaida Video - Washington Post

Bin Laden appears in NEW web video - Timesonline (although they include the word 'undated')

Bin Laden Appears In NEW Al-Qaeda Video - CBN (although they include the word 'undated')

Usama Bin Laden Appears in NEW Video, Officials Probe Authenticity - Fox (who changed the title to "Previously Unreleased Bin Laden Video Posted on Web"

Osama Bin Laden Appears in 'NEW' Al-Qaeda Video - CityNews (notice the quotation marks)

NEW Al Qaeda Video Surfaces - ABC

It doesn't matter that a lot of these "news" sources, after it was proven that this footage is five years old, went back and amended their stories to equivocate about when this tape was made. The fact of the matter is that all of the headlines blare the word NEW, and to the unwary they are trying to drive the point home that Osama Bin Laden is alive and well and ready to come and kill them, which is the whole point of their entire lying effort.

The fact is that MSM exists now solely as a propaganda outlet of the forces that want to enslave us, and try to keep us so fearful of invented bogeymen that we won't notice it happening.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Related news from Iraq:

"Iraqwar Exclusive: ISI revealed as fake front while the resistance consolidates its power"

-- Thought I'd pass this on.

Nick Z.

19/7/07 2:15 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Interesting, Nick, thank you. The spooks and deep cover guys sure have been busy muddying the waters and sowing mayhem while the Iraqi resistance solidifies and gets stronger. Meanwhile the infantile american public still buys fairy tales and funds this despicable war crime. Hard to believe we've gotten to this point, so terminally and arrogantly stupid to be taken in by all the manipulation.

19/7/07 6:14 PM  

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