Sunday, October 29, 2006

Anything But The Carnage

Jeebus but this run up to the Diebold Selection Process is a sleaze fest. Mark Foley kicked it all off I suppose but you have to give him credit for at least resigning and then disappearing. Of course he was only the tip of a very filthy iceberg. The House Ethics Committee, whitewashing the issue, said it isn't going to release it's findings before Nov.7, thereby protecting the senior repug child molesters.

Just this last week alone we were subjected to plenty of tawdry crap, courtesy of the Greedy Old Perverts. That racist Corker ad down in Tennessee is one ugly smear - black women are stupid, Ford supported things he never did support, gotta be scared of them foreigners, white chicks are attracted to uppity, libertine black dudes so be wary of them:

Since that ran it's course it was replaced by one that maintained Ford accepted money from porn moguls. Interesting how the pot accuses the kettle.

Then Oxy Moron Limbacile attacks a parkinson's sufferer, as if there were any people left that needed to understand how much of a douchebag he could be.

In Virginia the democrat candidate for senate has some decades old fiction he wrote held up as proof he's much worse than run of the mill repug sleazebags.

All this is sideshow crap. The only issue that matters is that despicable situation that the scumbags have gotten the US military into in Iraq. But how much have you heard from the candidates on this nightmare? Meanwhile the carnage from the occupation continues while sex, lies, racism and dirty laundry dominates in the whoring media cesspits.
Here's Anthony Shadid from the Washington Post on our handiwork:

"It had been almost a year since I was in the Iraqi capital, where I worked as a reporter in the days of Saddam Hussein, the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, and the occupation, guerrilla war and religious resurgence that followed. On my return, it was difficult to grasp how atomized and violent the 1,250-year-old city has become. Even on the worst days, I had always found Baghdad's most redeeming quality to be its resilience, a tenacious refusal among people I met over three years to surrender to the chaos unleashed when the Americans arrived. That resilience is gone, overwhelmed by civil war, anarchy or whatever term could possibly fit. Baghdad now is convulsed by hatred, paralyzed by suspicion; fear has forced many to leave. Carnage its rhythm and despair its mantra, the capital, it seems, no longer embraces life.

"A city of ghosts," a friend told me, her tone almost funereal."


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