Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Empire Looks South, Snarls

The fascists really don't like what's going on in Central and South America. In a lot of countries a spirit of democracy, the old fashioned home grown variety, has taken root.

Of course, the old CIA way of dealing with Latin America can still be dusted off:
Identify right wing groups and offer a deal - "You get power if you offer a favorable business climate".
Work with said groups and overthrow the usually democratic government.
After the military coup, install dictator.
Fund and train the security apparatus using interrogation, torture and murder.
Label the victims "commies", but almost always they're just peasants, liberals, moderates, labor union leaders, political opponents and advocates of free speech and democracy.
Widespread human rights violations and marvelous corporate profits ensue.

This has happened so many times the instances shouldn't even be named. But these days there's what's called the Bolivarian Revolution in progress, symbolized by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Wikipedia says "Bolivarianism is eponymous with Simón Bolívar, the 19th century Venezuelan general and liberator who led the struggle for independence throughout much of South America.
The central points of Bolivarianism, as extolled by Chávez, are:
1. Venezuelan economic and political sovereignty (anti-imperialism).
2. Grassroots political participation of the population via popular votes and referenda (participatory democracy).
3. Economic self-sufficiency (in food, consumer durables, et cetera).
4. Instilling in people a national ethic of patriotic service.
5. Equitable distribution of Venezuela's vast oil revenues.
6. Eliminating corruption. "

Things we all would consider positive, with the exception of the scum in Washington. Aside from the antipathy towards Chavez, and the ongoing Plan Colombia, we're soon to see two hotspots flare up.

In Nicaragua, the little country that Reagan and his cabal were obsessed with, Daniel Ortega will probably be president in November. Since the CIA backed contra terror worked so well against the Nicaraguan people in the 80s, little boots is starting up the old network again, and again basing operations out of Honduras and El Salvador.

In Mexico a guy who used to be the mayor of Mexico City named Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is the frontrunner in the presidential election set for July. His left leaning policies and a friendship with Chavez make him a marked man who is definately on the CIA shit list. I wouldn't be surprised to see a greatly increased propaganda blitz about Mexico in general and Obrador in particular. The Bush Crime Family has had a long relationship with the ruling political junta, the PRI, which is running a candidate against him.


update - Right on cue. At the National Press Club in Washington:
"WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Defense Secretary Donald (Von) Rumsfeld said that the rise of elected populist leaders in Latin America like Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez was "worrisome".
Hating democracy is the only message one can get from these remarks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It isn't the conservatives that fit the definition of facism. It is the conservative politicians that are ruining the country. It's the liberal politicians too. The country is for sale to the highest bidder. Until the American people realize that it's all politicians who are the enemies of freedom, prosperity and peace, nothing of any consequence will change. Take a hard look at what really goes on in D.C... The Federal Election Commission site is a great place to start.

2/2/06 3:13 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

I might agree with you if elections held any promise of reform, however they're just tawdry exercises in futility as the vote counts are rigged.
But I sure do agree with you about conservatism. The slimebags who run the con game in Washington are "conservative" in name only.

2/2/06 5:53 PM  

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